Getting the Most Out of Your GHIN Membership

Most of you reading this have a USGA GHIN membership that you maintain each year. I understand that most of you probably have it just because it is a requirement to play in MGA, LGA, and Member Tournaments, but you are still paying a small fee each year to have access to GHIN. Therefore, I want to help you get the most out of your GHIN account.
- Use the Handicap Calculator- This feature allows you to record you and your playing partners scores from the course, with instant NET score calculations. For those of you who enjoy some competitive rounds with your friends, this allows you guys to keep score without all of the pencil and paper math you would normally have to do to calculate strokes.
- Record the stats from your rounds- When posting a score on the app, you have the option to record your round in more detail. You can enter fairways hit, greens in regulation, putts per hole, and much more. This is a very useful tool when trying to shed a few strokes off of your game. For example, after recording your stats for a while you may realize a trend such as a direct correlation between fairways hit and greens in regulation that you may not have noticed before.
- Access to the CGA- If you have ever been interested in competing against golfers outside of Carolina Colours, this is a great place to start. The CGA hosts amateur tournaments all across the Carolina’s for players of different ages and levels.
If you have any further questions on your USGA GHIN membership, please feel free to send me an email at Thanks and play well!