Play What You Know!

August 9, 2022

In the game of golf, players usually try to hit shots that they don’t practice or maybe they see on TV. This usually causes for high scores on that scorecard! I was out the other day with a playing lesson. We came to a hole where it was a dog leg to the right. My…


July 26, 2022

SUMMER TIME AND THE LIVIN IS EASY !! AND HOT ! Yes, it’s summer and yes it’s HOT. We do live in NC and we have to prepare for this when we hit the golf course. If you can. try to get an earlier tee time in the morning. But when you can’t snag those…

Birdies with Brian (#17)

June 19, 2022

Mastering the Greenside Bunker Shot To me, the greenside bunker shot is one of the easiest shots in golf. If I know my ball is going to miss the green I’m practically begging for it to find a bunker. However, when I play with higher handicap players, the greenside bunker is viewed as a monster…


June 9, 2022

DO YOU KNOW YOUR PERCENTAGES AND HOW IT CAN LOWER YOUR SCORES? Given your typical round of golf , what percentage do you think the short game, anywhere from 70 yards in, make up your total score? On a typical 18 hole course there are usually 4 par 3’s. Most of the time you will…

Birdies with Brian (#16)

June 5, 2022

Learn How to Flight Your Wedges There’s no secret that the easiest way to get better in golf is improving from 100 yards and in. Being able to not only hit greens from this range, but get it close, is what separates an 80s player from a 70s player. There’s a saying that the pros…


June 2, 2022

LEARN TO PLAY THE GAME – NOT JUST HIT THE BALL ! Do you really know how to play the game of golf, or are you just focused on hitting the golf ball? Learning how to hit the golf ball is a very small percentage of the game. When you play the game of golf…

Birdies with Brian (#15)

May 29, 2022

Build an Athlete, Then a Golfer All parents want their kids to succeed, right? As parents we need to understand that succeeding doesn’t necessarily mean playing pro sports, or being in a famous band. Sometimes it just means having fun and learning life lessons along the way. My dad was a middle school PE teacher…

Birdies with Brian (#14)

May 23, 2022

Simple Turf Grass Explanation Living in North Carolina, we are in what you would call the “Transition Zone” for turf grass. Basically, you have two types of grasses. A warm weather grass, and a cool weather grass. If you can come up with a grass that likes both climates please let me know so we…

Birdies with Brian (#13)

May 15, 2022

Tournament Golfer vs Recreational Golfer I can usually tell in about two shots if someone is a recreational golfer or a tournament golfer. If you’re looking to improve there’s a lot you can learn from a tournament golfer. Here are the stark differences between the two, and what you can do to emulate the tournament…

Terri’s Tips

May 12, 2022

HOW WELL DO YOU PUTT!? How do you stack up to the ‘average’ PGA Tour Player! Notice how the percentages go down dramatically after the 6 foot range! Do you want to improve your scores? Practice putting within one and two lengths of your putter to make. Sinking those 3 to 6 footers is the…