Terri’s Tips !

March 5, 2024

It’s Easy To Get Started With Golf!! Do you find yourself wanting to take up the game of golf but don’t know how to goabout it? Are you talking with some of your friends in or outside of our community whoalso want to play golf? Maybe your husband or your wife plays golf and they…

Fair Weather Golf

February 26, 2024

Hopefully this topic is a mood point soon as we get closer to warm weather, but in thisblog I am going to cover golfing through all 4 seasons in North Carolina. Some are braver thanothers, but we can all agree that playing in chilly temperatures is less than ideal. The ball doesn’tgo as far, your…

Rules of Golf Quiz #7

February 25, 2024

Answer to Rules Quiz #6 Burt’s ball bounced and struck him in the knee after hitting the bank, but Burt incurs nopenalty. Rule 11.1a states, “If a player’s ball in motion accidentally hits any person (includingthe player) or outside influence… there is no penalty to any player. This is true even if the ballhits the…


January 23, 2024

This shot seems to bring on more anxiety and fear for my students than any other shot in their game. It shouldn’t have to be like this. If you have knowledge on how to execute this shot, a clear picture and a good feel for it, you can get out of a greenside bunker every…

Rules of Golf Quiz #6

January 16, 2024

Answer to Rules Quiz #5 During Sam and Bill’s Match, Bill teed off from the wrong set of tees and hit his ball into thetrees. Because Sam thought Bill was in trouble, he didn’t say anything until they got to their teeshots and discovered Bill’s ball had bounced back out into play. Sam claimed that…

Are your clubs…yours?

January 11, 2024

Something that flies under the radar is the importance of a proper clubfitting. At retail stores, the “stock” clubs that you see on the rack are only going tofit a small percentage of consumers, if they are lucky. That means that you coulddrive to a golf shop right now, spend $600 on a brand new…


January 9, 2024

Have you set your Golf Goals for 2024? What would you like to improve? Would you like to hit your drive longer? Would you like to improve the consistency of your ball striking? Would you like to hit more greens in regulation? Would you like to improve your bunker skills? Or would you like to…

Rules of Golf Quiz #5

December 26, 2023

Answer to Rules Quiz #4 In the singles match between Sam and Bill Sam concedes a short putt of Bill’s to concede the hole butBill tells Sam “That’s ok, I’ll putt it”. When Bill’s putt misses, Sam claims to have won the hole.Under the Rule of Golf, (under the Math-Play format) a player can concede…

High Stakes at Carolina Colours

December 6, 2023

Over the last 2 months, we have been replacing the red, white, and yellow stakes throughout the golf course. Not only are they higher quality stakes, but they are also much easier to see. Obviously, it makes the golf course a little more visually appealing, but it can also be useful to be able to…

Rules of Golf Quiz #4

November 15, 2023

Answer to Rules Quiz #3 As you recall, Curly surveyed the area where his original ball went into and wanted to abandonthe search for it and play his provisional ball which was out in the fairway where he would belaying 3 hitting 4. Contrary to his wishes, his playing partners Moe and Larry, found his…